News & Events
Happy New Financial Year 2021! The Informer out now
02 July 2021
Happy New Financial Year from everyone at Hern & Associates! The Informer 2021 is out now and this issue is filled with lots of important updates from the ATO. This financial year the ATO will...
Happy New Financial Year! The Informer 2020 is out now!
13 July 2020
Happy New Financial Year from everyone at Hern & Associates! The Informer 2020 is out now and this issue is filled with lots of important updates from the ATO. This financial year the ATO will...
The JobKeeper Payment – New FAQ Released by Australian Government
07 April 2020
The recent announcement regarding the JobKeeper Payment has been good news for businesses. Since the announcement we have not had clear information about how the payment will be distributed to employers so they can pass...
Australian Government’s Economic Response to COVID-19 – Cash Flow Assistance for Businesses
23 March 2020
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers The government is providing up to $100,000 to eligible small and medium sized businesses, and not-for-profit that employ people, with a minimum payment of $20,000. These payments will help businesses’...
Australian Government’s Economic Response to COVID-19 – Income Support for Individuals, Sole Traders & Self Employed
23 March 2020
Income Support for Individuals & Households The Government is providing support for individuals to assist them during the next six months. The Government is providing 2 separate payments of $750.00 to social security, veteran and...
Australian Government’s Economic Response to COVID-19 – Superannuation & Support for Retirees
23 March 2020
Support for Retirees Due to the impact of volatility in the financial markets, the Government is offering relief for Retirees and Self Managed Super Funds in Pension Mode The Government is temporarily reducing superannuation minimum...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Hern & Associates
02 January 2020
Our office will be closed from 5pm, Friday 20th December and reopen on Monday 20th January 2020. We will be checking emails and voice mail sporadically during this time. For urgent issues please email
Happy New Financial Year! The Informer 2019
01 July 2019
Happy New Financial Year from everyone at Hern & Associates! The Informer 2019 is out now and this issue is filled with lots of important changes from the ATO and how the Single Touch Payroll...
We Will Be Closed on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 January 2019
22 January 2019
Following the death of the Family Matriarch, Gwen Hern, our Mother and Grandmother, the office will be closed on Thursday 24 and Friday 25th January. Being a family firm we are all involved in the...
Pay your invoices via our website using our NEW Payment Gateway
05 July 2018
For your convenience you can now pay your invoices via our website. You can make a credit card payment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or request a monthly payment facility* Paying by...